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The Hottest Hair Color Of The Moment Is...Gray

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A couple of weeks ago, we posted on our Instagram page an article by the Wall Street Journal about the hot new trend of coloring hair gray.  I can tell you that after being at the ISSE show in Long Beach, CA, this past weekend, this trend is hot, hot, hot!  Hearing people talk about it and seeing how many people actually have it was amazing.  While gray hair color is a mostly recent trend, we've been doing a number of projects where gray cabinetry and gray upholstery are the choice of many salon owners as they remodel, expand, or start their businesses.  This gray 661 Seville barber chair we displayed at the show certainly caught everyone's attention.  The added, customized black piping feature around the edges of the cushions gave a unique identity and contrast to an already awesome looking barber chair.  With or without piping, styling chairs, dryer chairs, all purpose reclining chairs, and more, have multiple gray color options available to fit just the theme you're looking for - just ask us for more details.  And if our gray options just don't do it for you, select your very own gray and we'll coordinate details as needed.   






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