The following is a complete detailed outline of QuickPlan™ Salon and Day Spa: - Title Page.
- Confidentiality Agreement.
- Table of Contents.
- Executive Summary covering Statement of Purpose, Business Description, Industry Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Location and Operations, Management, and Financial Plan including Use of Proceeds, Exit/Collateral/Payback Strategy, and Conclusion.
- Business Description including History, Legal Form of the Business, Current Situation and Future goals.
- Salon and Day Spa/Industry Analysis Salon and Day Spa/Industry Analysis including Current Industry Overview, Trends and Outlook. Local market Segment and customer profile including sample POP-FACTS demographic report of location's address giving local market demographics and customer profile for a 1, 3 and 5 mile radius. Targeted Customer profile, local competition, and business risks.
- Marketing Strategy including building and signage, sales strategy, customer service, advertising and promotion, Media Plan, Publicity Strategy, and Community Relations.
- Location and Operations covering Property and Facility, Licenses and Government Regulations, Utilities Requirements, Build-Out Estimates, Permits, Build-out Equipment, Furniture, Equipment, Menu of Services, Personnel/service, Procedures and Controls, Inventory, Ambiance and Entertainment.
- Management covering key principals, managers and responsibilities.
- Financial Plan summary of provided five year pro forma statements and assumptions, capital requirements, Use of Proceeds, Exit/Payback Strategy, and conclusion.
- Projected five year month-to-month financial statements matrix.
| Benefits | Research | Complete Plan | | Benefits: | TIME IS MONEY....We have estimated that it takes an average of 100 hours to research and write a comprehensive business plan within any Industry. Creating and compiling the five year financial plan and forecasts including 5 years of budgets, income statements, balance sheets, cash flow analysis, and key financial ratio analysis can take more than 20 hours of work by you or your accountant. Now consider sitting down in front of your computer to edit and fill in the details of an already written and organized sample Salon business plan and outline. Whether you are starting a full service salon, are looking for expansion capital to open your second Salon, or want to sell your multi-Salon chain, you will be able to edit this plan into your own. | | Research: | The Industry Analysis included was written based upon current sources. Now use your computer's word processor to turn this sample plan into your own. Enter your revenue assumptions, your operating expense assumptions, and your cash flow assumptions into the QuickPlan five year forecasting template using your computer's spreadsheet program. You will immediately have five years projected month to month operating budgets, income statements, balance sheets, cash flow analysis and key financial ratios. Once you have finished editing, print your plan and simply insert it into the three ring binder included, indexing it according to the pre-labeled inserts. | | Complete Plan: | QuickPlan™Salon and Day Spa is a 260 page comprehensive business plan based on a Full Service Salon and Day Spa . It includes hard copy and software for you to edit into your own. Then simply insert your copy into the three ring binder and organize it with the pre-labeled index included. | The Complete plan consists of hard copy and software files of the following : | Before You Begin Checklist | 2 Pages | Text File | Confidentiality Agreement | 1 Page | Text File | Table of Contents | 6 Pages | Text File | Executive Summary | 4 Pages | Text File | Business Description | 4 Pages | Text File | Current Complete Salon and Day Spa Industry Analysis, Trends and Outlook 52 pages | 52 Pages | Text File | Marketing Strategy | 6 Pages | Text File | Location/Operations | 12 Pages | Text File | Management | 3 Pages | Text File | Financial Plan | 4 Pages | Text File | Employee Manual | 10 Pages | Text File | Operations Manual | 27 Pages | Text File | Salon Equipment | 2 Pages | Excel File | Salon Media Plan Sample | 2 Pages | Excel File | Salon State of the Industry Analysis | 17 Pages | Hardcover | Salon Demographics/Trends | 59 Pages | Hardcover | Letter of Intent to lease | 2 Pages | Text File | Price List | 3 Pages | Text File | HOW TO RAISE MONEY/SBA CHAPTER | 23 Pages | Hardcover | The Small Business Administration’s 31 most asked questions | 9 Pages | Hardcover | 
SBA Auto Forms • Fill them in on your computer: | |  | 
Loan Application Standard | 6 Pages |  | 
Low Doc App. for up to $150,000 | 8 Pages |  | 
Short Form Express up to $50,000 | 4 Pages |  | 
Statement of Qualifications | 2 Pages |  | 
Personal Financial Statement | 2 Pages |  | 
ADA Guide for Small Business | 15 Pages |  | Five year Forecasting Matrix | 42 Pages | Excel File | Salon/Hospitality Resources over 150 links | | HTML File | | | | System Requirements: | - MicroSoft® Word and Excel - Macintosh, Windows | | Cost: | Cost of this QuickPlan™ Package is $275.00 plus shipping and handling. Not available in any store, to order call: 1-877-461-2972 | | When you order QuickPlan we will email you the software to get started with right away! | | | |